For Jehovah's Witnesses With Love
This book was written to help Christians better understand the Witnesses--how they think and why they do what they do. Most Witnesses love God very much and are trying to serve him as best they can. They are not the enemy--ignorance and untruth are the enemy.
The first three chapters of the book cover the subjects "why Is It So Hard To Reach Jehovah's Witnesses?," "Inside Jehovah's Witnesses," and "Christianity Verses Religion." I believe this is information that will help Christians to take a more effective approach when dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses.
The book also contains 10 testimonies of ones who left the Organization during the years 1978-1979. They share what they went through and their reasons for leaving. This section also contains a pastor's observations after having most of these ex-Witnesses in his congregation and what he learned from them. (The 10 testimonies and a pastor's observations can be viewed and printed out from this site. Just click on "Testimonies."
Part II of the book contains "Scriptural Discussions" written by one of these former Witnesses. It is hoped that through this material a Christian can see where priorities lie when witnessing to anyone who may be leaning on a man-made system rather than on the one foundation which is laid--Jesus Christ.
A Hand In The Darkness
This book was written to help Witnesses who are either still in the Organization and wanting to leave, or to help those who have already left.
As anyone who has left knows, it's not easy to leave family, friends, beliefs, and a life you've lived for years. This can be traumatic. It means so much to know that one is not alone, that Jehovah is still there, and that the Organization's estimate of who one is not the final word.
The book begins with my personal struggle, why it is so difficult to leave, what I learned, key questions that needed to be answered, what it was like associating with "born again" Christians, and where Truth can be found today.
This book can be read or printed out by going to the TowerWatch site at....http://www.towerwatch.com/on_line_books/a_hand_in_the_darkness.htm
If you'd like a hard copy of either (or both) of these books, just email me. I'll be happy to mail you copies for the cost of shipping which is $ 4.95 for one to three books.
The titles below are of subjects that have previously been discussed on the site. If you'd like to read any of them, just let me know the subjects you are interested in along with your email address and I'll be happy to email you copies.
1. Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit
2. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
3. Blessed Are The Meek
4. Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness
5. Mercy And Forgiveness
6. Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
7. The Bible--A Mark For Mankind
8. Blessed Are The Peacemakers
9. Spiritual Understanding
10. Judging The Law
11. The Light Within Us
12. What It Means To Be "In Christ"
13. Rebirth Into The Family Of God
14. All Virtues Come From Love
15. Losing And Restoring Our Connection With God
16. Your Value Is In Who You Are
17. The Unforgivable Sin
A Christian's Relationship With Jesus
This tract is written especially for Jehovah's Witnesses. It concentrates on letting the Bible speak for itself as to how important it is to Jehovah to have a heart, not just a head, knowledge of Jesus. Once a Witness understands and experiences this relationship, he/she is well on the way to seeing everything else. Jehovah will bring them to Jesus and the Spirit of God will lead them out of the Organization.I was unable to put the information in a tract format on the site but I do have a copy of the material on the page entitled "For Jehovah's Witnesses." I can email the material from my computer to you in an attachment so you'll be able print it out at home in tract form. Just send me your request and email address and I'll get it right out to you.
If you'd prefer me to print out the tract(s), fold and mail them to you, just let me know the amount you'd like and your name and address. The only cost for this will be the actual shipping charge.